May 2011 - THE KIMBERLYS IN W.A.      

This year we'll travel from Sydney across to Adelaide then "up the middle" to Katherine, then slowly down the West coast as far as Broome and back. We will probably come home via QLD again.

(Last time we travelled W.A. we went well down the west coast but the weather stopped us in our tracks just North of Perth, for two really windy, cold, rainy weeks. Eventually, we turned around and headed back North again .. .. .. all the way back to Queensland). 

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THIS TIME ..  I'd like to spend more time in the North of W.A. If you have suggestions of places to go and things to see, email me on ...
allan(dot)jeal(at)live(dot)com  I'd be happy to hear from you.

And just in case you're on Skype...

My status 

This year we are using Telstra with 3G/Next G. The Blackberry Bold will act as a modem. We should be able to maintain our internet and email connections as long as we don't send/receive big emails. We leave on 9th May (our house sitters can't wait . .  huh?  what are they planning?).


Part 1, 10th May


Morning tea time!

Part 2, 16th May


Not much fanfare here!

Part 3, 25th May


Northern Territory Cops.

Part 4, 30th May


Saturday morning routine.

Part 5, 10th June


Lake Argyle

Part 6, 15th June

   Part 6, 15th June

Almost at Derby

Part 7, 20th June


Heading to the Horizontal Waterfalls

Part 8, 24th June


We leave Cable Beach and head east again.

Part 9, 1st July


Have you filled your tank?

Part 10, 8th July


 Charters Towers and Townsville.

Part 11, 20th July


A new meaning for "Gents Public Toilet" in Airlie Beach.

Part 12, 27th July


Not much of this from now on.

Part 13, 3rd August


Elliott "tropical" Heads

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