< Another year >
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< 15 >
Now THAT makes me want to pee!
In previous years we recall seeing a sign beside this fountain in Rocky. It said "No Swimming".. So I took a closer look and found the water is only two inches deep. Yup! don't try swimming in it.
Rockhampton has the BIGGEST lunch boxes for the smallest customers.
The lady in this advertisement looks familiar. Anybody know her name ?
I hope "Walkway" is not a town. This sign is a sign of modern signage that signals trouble with future signs.
8th July: Day one at Proserpine was wet and my APRS antenna was missing - broken - fallen off - gone!
9th July: Our second day at Proserpine .. when will the rain stop? ... yup, it stopped for one hour just after I finished making another temporary antenna in the rain. I think I'm dissolving. A quick count reveals that we have had 11 sunny days and 26 rainy days so far. This was not the plan, but nothing has gone to plan on this trip. The weather forecasters are not indicating any improvements either - at least not in the areas we are currently heading towards. Since we are both a little "down", we might change our plans once again. The weather looks better inland and it seems that it would be smarter to turn west at Townsville instead of Cairns.
A quick show of hands and the decision was made. We are now booked into Townsville for a week from 13th July (bloody hell, I didn't realise it was a Friday). When we leave there, we'll head west to Charters Towers, Undara National Park, Mt Surprise, Cobbold Gorge and then west .. west .. west at last. The camera may get to see daylight again yet.
10th July: There's a big hill just south of here. It is called Inkerman Mountain. We drove up it a few years ago and we decided to go back up there today.
The 360 degree views are much better on a clear day but I spotted this young chick on her way to the hair dresser, that brightened up the pic.
This rock wallaby looks as though she is just getting over a big lunch. Hmm that reminds me....
So, one more misty looking pic and we'll go and find some lunch.
< Another year >
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< 15 >